What is Infrastructure As Code (IAC)?

What is Infrastructure As Code (IAC)?

Infrastructure as code (IAC) is a methodology for managing and provisioning infrastructure in a predictable and automated way. It involves treating infrastructure resources, such as networks, servers, and databases, as if they were code that can be written, versioned, and shared just like software.

The main benefits of using IAC are:

  • Repeatability: By treating infrastructure as code, you can create reproducible and predictable environments that are easy to manage and scale. This can help prevent configuration drift and ensure that all your environments are consistent and up to date.

  • Documentation: IAC provides a single source of truth for your infrastructure configuration. This makes it easier to understand and maintain your infrastructure over time, as well as to troubleshoot and debug issues that may arise.

  • Collaboration: IAC enables teams to work together more effectively by allowing them to share and collaborate on infrastructure configuration. This can help accelerate the development and deployment of applications, as well as improve the overall quality and reliability of your infrastructure.

  • Version control: By storing your infrastructure configuration in a version control system, you can track changes, roll back to previous versions, and avoid conflicts and errors. This can help ensure that your infrastructure is always in a known and consistent state.

  • Automation: IAC enables you to automate the provisioning and management of your infrastructure using tools and frameworks such as Terraform, Ansible, and Puppet. This can help save time and reduce the potential for human error, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.

Overall, using IAC can help you manage your infrastructure more efficiently and effectively, enabling you to deploy and operate applications more quickly and reliably.